Türk Matematik Derneği

1948'den beri kamu yararına çalışmaktadır

TMS Distinguished Colloquium Series: Tobias Colding

Tobias Colding – MIT
Geometry of PDEs

15 November 2023 Wednesday, 09:00 (New York), 14:00 (Londra), 17:00 (Istanbul)

Optimal geometric structures and the evolution of shapes are governed by partial differential equations. These same types of equations come up over and over again across many diverse areas in science, engineering, and mathematics. The geometric invariance makes the equations canonical and means that they also describe phenomena seemingly unrelated to geometry. Often the geometry unlocks the structure of the equation and leads to fundamental tools in PDE. Conversely, analysis has played a central role in the development of geometry. Understanding the equations and their fundamental properties requires simultaneous insight into both analysis and geometry and the interplay between the two.



YouTube Recording of the Talk