Türk Matematik Derneği

1948'den beri kamu yararına çalışmaktadır

Turkish Mathematical Society

The Turkish Mathematical Society was founded in 1948 and, until 1995 was the only institution professionally representing and bringing together mathematicians in Turkey. It has 818 members from all over the country. Turkish Mathematical Society has been a full member of the International Mathematical Union since 1960. Also, Turkish Mathematical Society has been a member of European Mathematical Society since 2008. The Society is located in Istanbul and has also a branch in Ankara.

The main objective of the Turkish Mathematical Society is to sustain the advancement and nationwide augmentation of mathematics, mathematical sciences and related disciplines. To reach our goal we advocate the effectiveness of mathematics in sociological, economical and technological context, as well as its vocational significance. In addition, we support research and scholarships, promote mathematics education and the exposition of mathematics at all levels thru appropriate venues.

The Society provides nationwide resources and activities that foster professional growth and cooperation among researchers, academicians, teachers and students. To this end, TMD organizes annual national symposiums in different regions of the country. So far, 20 symposia have been organized at fifteen Turkish universities. Each year, hundreds of academicians attend these symposia to collaborate over research and benefit from lectures presented by researchers who are selectively invited by a scientific advisory committee. Thru the organization of special sessions, young researchers are given the opportunity to present their theses, and thus, a professional platform for discussing their ideas is provided.

Annual Algebra Workshops and Summer School fostering graduate students are conducted regularly and, in addition to facilitating research, give novice researchers the chance to interact with and learn from expert researchers. In addition, TMD offers three fellowships per year, supporting three math undergraduates who are selected by a fellowship committee upon application.

We influence institutional and public policy through the emphasis of the need for the application of mathematics within other fields. Moreover, we promote a general understanding and appreciation of mathematics. We offer monthly seminars appealing to a general audience, to the benefit of educators and students.

TMD publishes a quarterly mathematical magazine, ‘World of Mathematics’, capturing public interest, and selling over 10,000 copies per issue. The magazine is designed to encourage students of all ages to pursue activities and careers in the mathematical sciences. Successive issues are dedicated to specific subjects covering contemporary advancements in mathematics.



IMAGINARY is a platform for open and interactive mathematics. It features a variety of content that can be used in schools, at home, in museums, at exhibitions or for events and media activities. The main contents of IMAGINARY are its interactive programs and its picture galleries.

The platform allows an easy integration of new content, for example of additional mathematical subjects or exhibitions. One main goal ofIMAGINARY is to enable you, the community, to participate and to get involved with your own ideas. The core idea is that exhibits are created within the community and exhibitions are organized independently.

Daha fazla bilgi için : http://imaginary.org/tr