Türk Matematik Derneği

1948'den beri kamu yararına çalışmaktadır

TMD Seçkin Seminerleri: Steph van Willigenburg

Steph van Willigenburg – UBC
The (3+1)-free conjecture of chromatic symmetric functions

12 Ocak 2022 Çarşamba, 19:00

The chromatic symmetric function, dating from 1995, is a generalization of the chromatic polynomial. A famed conjecture on it, called the Stanley-Stembridge (3+1)-free conjecture, has been the focus of much research lately. In this talk we will be introduced to the chromatic symmetric function, the (3+1)-free conjecture, new cases and tools for resolving it, and answer another question of Stanley of whether the (3+1)-free conjecture can be widened. This talk requires no prior knowledge.


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