Türk Matematik Derneği

1948'den beri kamu yararına çalışmaktadır

TMD Seçkin Seminerleri: Edriss Titi

Edriss Titi – – U. Cambridge & Texas A&M

Recent Advances Concerning the Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations

8 Şubat 2024 Perşembe 09:00 (New York) / 14:00 (Londra) / 17:00 (İstanbul)

In this talk, I will discuss some recent progress concerning the Navier-Stokes and Euler equations of incompressible fluid. In particular, issues concerning the lack of uniqueness using the convex integration machinery and their physical relevance. Moreover, I will show the universality of the critical 1/3 Hölder exponent, conjectured by Onsager for the preservation of energy in Euler equations, by extending the Onsager conjecture for the preservation of generalized entropy in general conservation laws.  In addition, I will present a blow-up criterion for the 3D Euler equations based on a class of inviscid regularization for these equations and the effect of physical boundaries on the potential formation of singularity.




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